Sunday, December 2, 2018

KETOGENIC DIET by Nick Brucker


I’ve had MANY people who wanted me to share my personal
 testimony with Keto, and today is the day... 

☝🏻FIRST OFF - I’m not looking to debate. I’m simply sharing
my experience, and what I’ve learned from the LATEST science
and research of a long-term Keto diet… πŸ”¬πŸ‘¨πŸ”¬ �.
�This is a side-by-side comparison of two years of Ketogenic diet,
versus a two year lifestyle approach with a full-body nutritional system. 

The picture to the LEFT was me working out 5️⃣ to 6️⃣days a week,
with both weight training and high intensity cardio eating only proteins,
 fats, and green veggies for carbs. 

The picture on the RIGHT is me working out 4-5x per week with
1-2 days of moderate cardio, and 2 days of fasting/cellular cleansing a month.
Nothing else changed (besides getting older πŸ˜).

 I did not eat a single carb besides veggies for NEARLY 2 YEARS!!
And to be honest, I am STILL dealing with the havoc I've wrecked on my body. 

Please here me when i say this...πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»

KETO was NEVER intended for the general public to do without doctor supervision
 - nor was it EVER suppose to be a long-term solution for weight management.�
Through this journey, I learned through experience why that is. I also came to TWO conclusions:

1️⃣ If God wanted us to run off of a diet high in fats and proteins,
then WHY did He create our bodies to run primarily off glucose (carbs) and not ketones? πŸ€”

2️⃣ WHY is there no long-term research done to see if it’s ACTUALLY safe or not?
Probably because no one can stick to it long-term. 
More and More medical professionals now are coming out with research and trials
claiming that it is NOT safe! 

πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♂️ NOW, here is the exception... πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»

 If you’re looking to lose some weight quick before going on a vacation,
family or school reunion, then by all means you will have great results with Keto!
There are many benefits to going low carb for short periods of time,
however Adyana and I - along with other professionals wouldn’t recommend
 a Keto-style diet any longer than 6 weeks. 

Any longer and you will ruin the good bacteria in your GI track,
send your cortisol levels through the roof, and like myself -
you may find yourself worse off than before. 

you have to ask yourself BEFORE you start any new way of eating is...
Is this proven to be safe, and is it even possible to stick to long-term⁉️"

Jean's two cents.. if you're looking for a long term solution for weight
wellness that will NOT mess up your gut bacteria or raise your
cortisol levels, message me! I've found a lifestyle solution that is easy,
enjoyable and effective! πŸ‘