Saturday, February 29, 2020

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Product Samples part of the NEW Isagenix Business App

Isagenix Business App Order confirmation - 1 Product Sample Order


Isagenix Business App via 

7:01 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Hi Chuck,
Thank you for your order of 1 Product Sample Order placed 5 Feb 2020 6:01 pm.
Order IDProductContactShipping AddressPhoneEmail
1782BEA SamplePaul Schneider123 Main Street
Any City, MO 63131
Your order total is $8.94.
An email notification may be sent to you when your 
product ships. If you have any questions, please feel 
free to contact us toll free at 800.794.8158.
Thank you for your order!
The Isagenix Business App team
© 2020 Isagenix , 155 E. Rivulon Blvd., Gilbert, AZ 85297. All Rights Reserved.
This is a transactional email. If you prefer not to receive commercial email from Isagenix Business App, please call 800.794.8158.

Case Study Bruce Petrov:
I noticed it was his birthday on FB so I sent him this message:
Feb 8 2020 1:36 pm
Bruce, happy birthday a day early! Here's some birthday cake for you! (if you'd like me to cover the shipping and handling, I'll need your address, email & phone number) Happy Birthday. Chuck & Diane Williams
He responds: "Sounds interesting. Thanks!!"
Can you bring it to All Stars?
To which I reply:
To get that good of a price I have to use the system.
Just give my your address (I have your phone and email) and I will send you one on me...
He provides me with his address and says "Thanks"
To which I reply: "My Pleasure"

On Sunday February 9, 2020 I actually enter the B-Day Shake Sample for Bruce and send him a text letting
him know and asking him to confirm when he gets it.
He said "Thanks!"

On Monday February 10, 2020 I asked "Know any personal trainers?
We talked about this on Wed at the O'Fallon All-Stars networking event.

On Wednesday, February 12, 2020 I sent Bruce a text "Bruce, your b-day cake shipped today, Chuck

On Tuesday, February 18, 2020 I wrote a text "Bruce, I hope you've had the opportunity to enjoy
the birthday cake meal replacement shake I sent to you last week in celebration of your b-day!
Text #3 from the Isagenix Business System:
3. IsaLean Shake PDF
Bruce replied: "I haven't yet. I need to find it around here somewhere. We get lots of deliveries here, but very few are for me, 
so I need to hunt it down. :)"

2/21/2020 Notified email and text that Bruce's shake has been delivered.
Email: Dear Chuck Williams,
Great news—the Birthday Cake Shake Sample for Bruce has delivered!
Your next follow-up text should be sent today. Go to the Follow-Up Texts for Birthday Cake Shake 
Sample and send Text #3: 3. IsaLean Shake PDF. This contains a PDF and suggested message 
for you to send. Simply select 3. IsaLean Shake PDF and hit the SMS share icon and send it on.
Good luck in your sampling efforts!

The Isagenix Business App Team

Text: Your Birthday Cake Shake sample to Bruce has delivered, immediately follow-up with Text #3. 
Learn more here.

Case Study: Blake McDowell
email notification:
Dear Chuck Williams,
Great news—the Birthday Cake Shake Sample for Blake has delivered!
Your next follow-up text should be sent today. Go to the Follow-Up Texts for Birthday Cake Shake Sample and send Text #3: 3. IsaLean Shake PDF. This contains a PDF and suggested message for you to send. Simply select 3. IsaLean Shake PDF and hit the SMS share icon and send it on.
Good luck in your sampling efforts!
The Isagenix Business App Team

text notification:
Your Birthday Cake Shake sample to Blake has delivered, immediately follow-up with Text #3. 
Learn more here.

Case Study: Anna Alt

Dear Chuck Williams,
Great news—the BĒA for Anna has delivered!
Your next follow-up text should be sent today. Go to the Follow-Up Texts for BĒA Sample and send Text #3: 3. BĒA PDF. This contains a PDF and suggested message for you to send. Simply select 3. BĒA PDF and hit the SMS share icon and send it on.
Good luck in your sampling efforts!

The Isagenix Business App Team

Getting Started Right and Focus on the Power of Manager

Chuck Williams teaches new associates how to get started and plug in to an incredibly well done system to succeed in your home based business.

Call/Presentation Schedule
Cepeda Morning Calls
Recap from New Year Kick Off event
How to set up and use the "recommended cart"