Thursday, September 9, 2021

Spanish 58 Second Video and more

We have new videos on Vimeo channel (an affiliate by the name of Derrick Coppin paid to have the 1 minute translated to Spanish and sent us the video to upload on vimeo. Gotta love servant leaders and action takers!)

Spanish 58 Second Video:

This link has both INTERNATIONAL Comp Plan and Expansion Plan videos

This link is about privacy:

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Two great videos for prospecting

Listen to this 5 minute interview with the top three executives of Tapestri!

Great Overview of the Tapestri App and Affiliate Program

Time is short regarding the Founder's Club Membership for your friends and family.  Don't cost them $119 more (12 months of $9.95 F.R.E.E)...

Saturday, September 4, 2021

How many times do you follow up?

Now I don't always follow up this persistently, but when I want someone on my team, I DO!

This thread of texts is shared with permission for training purposes.

When you hear the fortune is in the Follow UP, you heard right!

Chuck Williams

Affiliate Manager