Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Motivation is hard when we don’t know how to turn it on

Keith and Tom "Big Al" Schreiter here.
              Humans are short-term thinkers. Survive and worry about today. Tomorrow isn’t here yet. :)

              We procrastinate and find it hard to work on long-term goals. In fact, we even find it hard to work on short-term goals. So here is a little "action hack" we can use now.

              Attach an action to something we routinely do every day.
              How does that work?

              Let’s say that we want to make follow-up calls, but we procrastinate. Here is how we can get into action and make consistent progress on our goals. We make a deal with ourselves: "Whenever I check my phone for messages, I must make one follow-up call."
              That’s it!
              Since we check our phones dozens of times a day, we will automatically make dozens of follow-up calls.
              This is an example of attaching an action to something we routinely do every day.
              But here is the big picture!

              Attaching an action works for us. This keeps us productive and moving forward.

              But what if everyone on our team had similar action prompts? Instead of occasionally thinking about their business, they would be taking action every day!
              This is an example of using automatic habits to build our business. 
              Motivation is hard when we don’t know how to turn it on. Motivation is even harder if we don’t know what actions to take. 

              Let’s fix that now so we can grow customers, distributors ... and leaders!

              Put "action" to work and allow massive activity to build our business now.
              - Keith and Tom "Big Al" Schreiter

              P.S. Start using habits instead of decisions to build your business. This one book might be all you need to install success habits in your entire team: