Monday, April 13, 2020

Ionix Supreme

Your order of Ionix® Supreme is on its way! It should be arriving at your doorstep soon (high-five!).

We know you’re going to love Ionix as much as we do because this product provides a powerful daily dose of adaptogenic herbs, which can be a game changer no matter what your current wellness strategies are. Long story short, Ionix Supreme is nature’s gift to us to help balance our bodies as well as combat the effects of everyday stress.†

Ionix Supreme (often referred to as “liquid gold”) is a nutrient-rich tonic featuring a blend of botanicals designed to protect against the negative effects of stress.†

Ways to enjoy Ionix Supreme:

  • Add it to your IsaLean® Shake.
  • Pour it over ice.
  • Mix it with hot water and drink as a tea.
  • Drink it as a shot in the morning or before bed.
Check out the articles and video below for some super interesting history and background info on these compelling ancient herbs.

While you wait ...

Post-Workout Super Shake Recipe